It’s stinking hot, my lap top is melting, so I’ll make this quick
Y’all have a good new year & a drunk & disorderly 2010.
El Presidente.
Hellbound And Pedalling
It’s stinking hot, my lap top is melting, so I’ll make this quick
Y’all have a good new year & a drunk & disorderly 2010.
El Presidente.
I like the cut of jer jib El Presidente, ‘drunk & disorderly’.. I’ll raise the mizzen sail for that action. May have to tone down my drunken action as I welcomed in the New Year with a 60% body covering of poo over my boy Huon.. Hangovers and massive poo coverage ain’t gunna mix.
Hope ya 2010 tenure as President is a good one Old Salt and see ya real soon ok? Keen for some bike riding action.