Wizards of Dirt

The ‘Wizard of Dirt’ alley cat race was run (and won) this past Saturday on a blue-sky spring afternoon. 17 Adventurers set out on a quest to locate 5 scrolls scattered across the land… On each scroll was recorded a single word of power, collect the 5 words to form a spell needed to defeat the Wizard of Dirt and claim his magical sword. Adventurers had to memorise the spell and quickly cast it, or risk being struck down by the Wizard. What ensued was a very fun afternoon of riding and laughs. Adventurers were stumped finding the Trolls Lair scroll (hidden INSIDE the old Beaumaris Zoo site) and anyone over 40 struggled to memorise the words of power. Paul was first to defeat the Wizard and raise the sword but nearly all successfully completed the quest.. (…do recall Matt, Jack, Kiwi and Mitchell cooking their spell casting). Thank you to all that attended and to Tinker General Store for being the major sponsor. Love!

Thank you:

  1. Mischa Pringle – event admin.
  2. Loki Carey / Tinker General Store – major sponsor


  1. City of the Dead (Gas Road) – ‘ALAKAZAM!’
  2. Forest of Doom (Northern Fire Trail) – ‘ABRACADABRA!’
  3. Wizards Tower (TCA Ground) – ‘SIMSALABIM!’
  4. The Trolls Lair (Beaumaris Zoo) – ‘HOCUSPOCUS!’
  5. Mermaids Rest (Gunpowder Jetty) – ‘KABLOOEY!’


  1. Paul Kennedy – 47m
  2. Loki Carey – 47m
  3. Arwen Atkinson – 50m
  4. Brodie Atkinson – 50m
  5. Chris Atkinson – 50m
  6. Evie Atkinson – 50m
  7. Nic Fitzgerald – 59m
  8. Samm Atkins – 1:30
  9. Rowan Trelibco – 1:23
  10. Laurel Trelibco – 1:23
  11. Myrtle Trebilco – 1:23
  12. Juniper Trebilo – 1:23
  13. Dan Panek – Dead On Arrival (DOA)
  14. Kiwi (John Bown) – DOA
  15. Matt the Hooligan – DOA
  16. Jack Deformed – DOA
  17. Mitchell Wednesday – DOA

Author: Ben

Not Porter Ricks

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