3 weeks, no sleep.

It’s finally rolled around again, the time of the year when coffee addictions soar, communication with family and friends becomes labored beyond sufferance and tempers shorten with every stage. The Tour!

The Route

Over the years, starting with the 6pm half-hour update, then expanding into the live, full stage coverage our mate Tommo has been shamelessly feeding our addictions like a shady pusher.

Shameless Pusher

I swear he revels in our sleep deprived ramblings and the diminishing quality of the work we produce at our day jobs. That innocent looking man knows that the drug he sells is far more addictive than cocaine and more damaging to the health than EPO. Cycling is the new drug of the nation and for the next few weeks we’ll all be hopelessly hooked.

This Saturday is Stage One and the B’n’C crew are planning to celebrate the only way we know how with beers and a projector session at our South Hobart HQ. I recommend you do the same, get cozy with Tommo and get your addiction on.

4 thoughts on “3 weeks, no sleep.”

  1. Is it true that there will be a two bike roller derby jam in front of the big screen on the evening? I hear that the Coach will be making an appearance and that he may even be toppled by the apprentice?

    On unrealated topics.. Are you back in Hobart? Will there be a Silo-Run on Friday Night?? Are you you keen for dirt mtb action Saturday??? did you buy the 29’er????

  2. no 29’er yet. it’s on the backburner. i’m up for a ride. it’s been a while. what’s the weather like. as for the silo run, i’m on my silver bullet so no probs there, if it’s on i’m in!

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