No rest for the wicked

The weekend turned into somewhat of a marathon BnC event, and damn it was good. We hit the track on Friday night and Ben threw himself in amongst the pack. He came in…last. Not bad for a guy running 75 gear inches and spinning his way into the future. Come along and watch him dominate next week!  Naturally, that event was followed with a couple of beers and a mean bean curry at Liam’s place. That guy can cook up a storm.

Saturday we threw Clinton onto his track bike, street gearing, sans brake. First street ride? Why not head out to Lauderdale? Some may say it was a mistake (Clinton included), but he was grinning all the way. Unfortunately a suprise hill, an emergency skid and the badly-timed unclipping of a shoe lead to a short, sharp meeting with a fence post. Safe to say we patched him up and kept rolling for a bit before retreating to the city.

Next up, the skate park to watch some BMX crew shred it up. Canadian Dave was in full effect, having ditched the fixie for small wheels and a slightly smaller frame. Rain bailed it up and we headed to The Brisbane for the premier of Sam Orchard’s new Tassie BMX flick Forward Motion. Riders destroying it, awesome footage, well edited, rad tunes, can’t go wrong! “Best Australian BMX movie I’ve seen” according to an un-named source (Dave).

A few too many jugs of beer later and it was time to hit a few parties and roll the streets in wobbles and skids. I’m fairly sure you can get charged with RUI, so let’s just count ourselves lucky to be fine-free.

Sunday saw a seedy bunch crawl up the mountain and come down it at ridiculous speeds, given the previous night’s performance. No death, luckily. Dave rode 26 inches on dirt for the first ever and survived it like the laughing demon he is. Let’s hope it won’t be the last time.

But for now, enough yapping. Click more for photos that are sure to screw up the site layout but, whatever…

Ben Track

Clint and his damaged shorts






BMX Bandits




Top of hill

Phew! Hopefully we can do it all again this weekend.

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