Owen Springs


I’ve been a year in the desert. I’m taking every opportunity to explore this part of the world. Last weekend I busted out an un-supported century ride south of  the Park, so this weekend it was time to head north to Owen Springs for a 5okm spin through Lawrence Gorge and along the dry Hugh River.

I’d driven the 4WD route between the Stuart Highway and Larapinta Drive a few weeks back, finding it pretty rough but reasonably firm underfoot at the time.. man, how things can change!




What had previously been heavily rutted hard-pack (clay) was now knee deep powder, think of the kind of powder a Snowboarder would like and you’ve got it. Totally unrideable on a bicycle. Sandy sections of trail that we probably passable a few weeks ago had deteriorated in the dry conditions, becoming extremely loose and again, not pedalable. Urgh. It was VERY hard work, and the hard work got harder as the temperature rose towards 30c..   


Rode through the ‘Haunted Bore’ without being hassled by any ‘Mamu’ (ghosts). Stopped at the old Owen Springs Homestead for a bit of lunch and a quick break before moving on..



The 4WD trail steadily improved as I rode up and out of Lawrence Gorge and away from the river, but it was still pretty badly corrigated and by the 40km mark my wrists were starting to go numb and my arms were feeling itchy from the road vibrations. Made it to the Rangers Station within 3 hours and through to the roadside to meet Mish by 3.10 hours. Felt ok and hadn’t withered up in the heat. Summer is definately on it’s way but I should have enough time to complete another few remote area missions. Stay posted.

Author: Ben

Not Porter Ricks

9 thoughts on “Owen Springs”

  1. Another cold, wet weekend with no riding down here.
    The desert is looking pretty inviting right about now.

  2. AGAIN!? Mate, summer is well and truely on it’s way here.. LAst night I sat outside in shorts, bare feet and no t-shirt fixing a bike.. 29c.

  3. I was rugged up on the couch with the heat pump set to 22ºc.
    This morning is looking worse. Perhaps I should do some study?

  4. K!W!, log on to Jensonusa.com and purchase the following:

    2 x Mudguards.
    2 x Mud Tires.
    1 x Cycling Poncho.
    1 x Cycling Over Boots.

    Set ya ride up for the conditions mate! The Alaskans ride in temparatures well below zero, English ride in the rain, I ride in the desert and each has their ride set up for the conditions.. Build a Tassie Winter Bike!

  5. I’ve got all that except the poncho.
    A few showers won’t put me off, but today it is HOSING down.
    Anyhoo, just scanning some photos from back in the day. When I remember how to log in, I”ll post something up.

  6. Kiwi – mate, I just spent the last 4 hours with 40 other people riding in the rain. Did the same yesterday. I thought NZud folk were ‘sposed to be friggin’ flint ‘ard 🙂

    Caveat: road riding, not mtb 😉

  7. gnarly pics ben once again. you win again on the adventure front, but soon we are gonna do something to challenge the lead you have

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