Young Jono Miller is hosting his first B’n’C group ride, ‘Full Moon Fleet’ on Sunday October Four. Get yourself along to Salamanca Lawns @ 10:30pm, bring a few beers and headout for a luna-lit ‘Tour De Back Streets’. I’m sure the crew will have an impromtu skid comp, ‘townhill’ event or similar act of pure fun whilst out on the pushies in the evening. Do yourself a favour, embrace a spring night in the city from the saddle of your bike.
after hitting napolean street in battery point the other day with gears. I’m thinking the full moon would be the perfect opportunity to see how far fixed bikes can make it up the bastard.
Oh yeah! ‘The Hobart Three Hills Climb-off’! 1. Napoleon Street, 2. Lynton Avenue 3. Mellifont Street. Fixed and singlespeed, along with a geared category. Timetrial for each hill? Or just who makes it the furthest up! Likin’ the cut of ya jib Liam.
Thanks for posting that Benny!
All of the above sounds good! Anything to get the legs pumping at night!
So, is it the three hills, people?
Or anyone else got another idea on par with that?
Looks like we’ll have a fine night!
Three hills!?
Comments Old Salt.. Liam C called for a Hill Climb Off..
I’m keen for a HCO!
Locked in people?
Mellifont Street, holds some bad memories for me of a snapped chain = broken collarbone and loss of skin.
Bugger group rides are never on when I’m back in the apple isle.
Now now, Chris, we didn’t need to know that!
bring it on. I’m entering the SS category.