Man Overboard!

I found out tonight that Wade, who owns the blue fixed conversion I spotted rocking a DIY BnC spoke card yesterday, got collected with a car door later in the day. He’s down and out with a broken collarbone, which sucks a big one! Getting doored is one of the constant risks when you’re riding in the city, and it’s shit to hear of someone getting done in by it. So best of luck to ya Wade, hope the recovery is a quick one and you’re  back on the bike soon!

Also, cheers to Jono for hooking up a sweet full moon ride tonight. Small turnout, but it was perfect weather and good fun. Ended up with a fair amount of mud on the bike after a backstreet detour went a little stray, but the moon was shining and the breeze was minimal, making it a ripper night for a ride.

13 thoughts on “Man Overboard!”

  1. Oh shit. Damn Wade, that sucks mate. Here’s to a quick recovery Old Boy.

    Where were you doored? Sandy Bay Road?

  2. Bugger, getting doored is not good. I would like to contest though the statement above that getting doored is a constant risk when riding in the city. It is not and it is so easily avoided – simply don’t ride in the door zone. Repeat – never never ride in the door zone. If following motorists don’t like it, stuff em, it’s your safety against their convenience. When past the kerbside cars move left and let them overtake and a give a polite wave of acknowledgement/thanks. This is not radical, this is an undeniable method of removing the chance of injury or worse as often doored cyclists are thrown out into the traffic. It is taught by both the UK and US adult cycle skills courses too.

  3. Sorry to hear about the crash, but great advice Tim.
    Getting doored I guess is one of the things cyclist do have control over.
    Like you say moving back left after the kerbside cars finish should make it pretty obvious to following motorist the reason for taking the whole lane (as is your right)in the first place.
    I broke my collar bone riding into five bits two years ago ,got a plate and screws and still get grief from it.
    Just make sure you do all the physio they tell you to and don’t try to use it again too early.

  4. Thanks fellas for your support and advice. Hopefully its something we all can be more vigilant in future esp myself!

    Was doored along elizabeth st outside snowgum. Pretty fortunate i was heading up towards NHbt rather than down into town.

    On the sidelines for at least 4wks maybe 6. I guess in my defense opening a door without checking is wreckless and negligent in any situation. Then again I had my near misses in the past (opening door = the cocking of a gun as you fly past!). Checking parked vehicle side mirrors and driver seats before is also a good safety measure- approach with caution… I should heed my own advice!

    Take good care out there and safe riding :/

  5. It’s actually illegal to open a door into a road lane without first checking for traffic.

    That’s a lot of down time, no good at all. Hope it goes fast for ya Wade!

  6. I’ve started following tims advice and it pays off. no scare, no checks needed and no worries. turn the music up loud and the impatient people behind don’t even bother me. checking mirrors is always a bit dodgy as they could be reaching over into the glove box or grabbin something from under the seat.

  7. While we could always be more vigilante in looking out for cage drivers mistakes, the fact of the matter was that it was the car divers illegal negligent action which bought about Wade’s injury.

    As much as we should always practise safe defensive riding, if one of our own is taken down in the line of duty it is hardly his fault, think of the poor inexperienced riders inadvertently risking their lives every day.

    My new resolution is to have a helmet cam recording all the time I ride. Any toss bag action from cars goes straight to the cops and then drivers face straight to the internet

  8. Found this brillant quote from the Wheels of Justice homepage to share,

    “To be a good bike rider you have to think as a car driver and to be a good car driver, to think as a bike rider – summarised as, ‘do unto others as you would have them do to you,’ ” said Eddie Barkla, Bendigo Ride of Silence organiser.

    Unfortunately, riding into the “door zone” is like practising unprotected casual sex- you have to weigh up the risks for yourself and manage it best you can. Sometimes there are too many variables to consider. As road users, we all have a duty of care to each other regardless unless you favour chaos theory.

    Personally, I love riding in and amongst traffic and ‘sharing’ the road with others as a sign of respect and courtesy- it has its risks no doubt like most things in life. Its not a battlefield out there. If everyone plays their part then its a safe environment.

  9. harshes my mellow to hear of riders getting ambushed by cars. and drivers. sometimes i ride counter to the flow, its easier to spot those heads in their coffins. more visible to them too. causes em max angst but at least then they are properly alert. saw some you tube video of a new york messenger who says he can slam doors as they open on him. might practice that one..

  10. A mate of mine got doored on Sandy Bay road, the guy gets out of his car, with door totally writen off along with bike, and pulls the cheque book while asking “how much kid?”.

    If only every one was like that.

  11. Was taken to private emergency/ Had overnighter there/ Sorted 3rd party insurance claim re medical attn & loss of income/ Offered compo for bike damages incurred.. Surly Steamroller frameset?? 🙂

    It pays to go through the proper processes!

  12. Check out this article from FHM website-

    Typical pro-motorist/ bike-hater rhetoric, what a bunch of bogan morons! Enough said.

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