Mish-Mash snuck off quietly a few months ago and came back only to escape once again with Benny in tow, this time they’ve headed up to the rock. Dave pissed of yonks ago and has finally surfaced again in Canada (thats his photo up there…). Hunnibell is posting from London. Tim is riding back home in Holland/Belgium/Europe somewhere!?
What does it all mean?
Bottles ‘n Chains have got to be the most international local bike gang around!
Spread the word brothers!
Just found a little RED gravel bmx track behind the school in Yulara (Uluru) and the oval has a grass bank around it that looks suspiciously alot like a grass track velodrome.. Hmmn, I can see the first Bottles and Chains desret event in the making..
Rode 200kms back and forth to work this week yo.. there are some mean assed headwinds out near the rock and fixed gear in the desert is a hard ask.. flipped the wheel over to the freewheel cassette last night a was blown home..
Wiya. No mtns out here, big sand dunes but the key word is sand.. fk. Anyway, I know how old Timbo feels in clog-land..
I’ll post up a report soon eh
Yeah those headwinds must be rough on those long straight roads.Might be time to shave those legs and get your self a TT helmet?
I’ll keep an eye out on ebay for ya.
Nah Bucks it’s all good. Hairy legs are good and I tried taping a newspaper cone to my helmet but it didn’t do jack.. TT bars, hmm, maybe.