When you’re not expecting much…

Rise Against have done alot in their existance as a band, more lineup changes than is worth counting, a couple of record labels, a quintet of albums and shitloads of tours. Basically the only thing that has remained a constant throughout is the fact that they’ve been getting steadily worse. Each album seems to get shitter than the last (with the possible exception of Revolutions Per Minute which is probably as good as The Uravelling but… you get the point).

 So what a surprise I got when I found a copy of their latest work and discovered that they’ve written some ripper songs this time around. I was expecting a bunch of radio singles, slow and with big choruses and there are a few, sure, but there is also a powerload or awsome stuff too. And having expected it to be bad, well… it just makes it even better. Check it out.


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